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UAE Celebrations: During Ramadan lets restore the values of driving
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Published in Driving Tips Category.

Drive safe during Ramadan

Its often said that “It’s not enough that you drive well; you’ve got to drive keeping in mind that other people may not be driving perfectly, or well.”
Defensive driving as defined by the US National Safety Council is “driving to save lives, time, and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others.”
The pre-iftar rush is also one of the other main causes of accidents during the holy month of Ramadan.
Muslims all over the world welcome and respect the Holy month of Ramadan as the most special period of the year. During Ramadan we recognize it is a time for everyone to purify themselves, doing good deeds and behaving well.
Those who are not fasting should also be aware of the effect of fasting on drivers around them and be gracious if, they see someone is driving badly.

It’s also at this time of the year that we would like to be able to tell all drivers to exercise special caution on the roads too. Fasting has physiological, physical and psychological effects. While fasting makes a lot of positive impact on health, it can cause temporary low blood sugar and dehydration as well. People might be tired or impatient, get headaches, faint or feel lightheaded, hungry, lose concentration, etc. It affects mainly two areas which are vital to driving. Your reaction time is much lower and spatial perception – which of course is vital to driving- is much worse.
Those who are not fasting should also be aware of the effect of fasting on drivers around them and be gracious if, they see someone is driving badly.
In addition to the above, sleeping habits change during Ramadan. People might stay up late at night for additional prayers or get up early in the morning for Suhoor/prayers. Lack of sleep also causes problems such as impaired performance, irritability, daytime drowsiness, microsleeps, etc.

Few hours of sleep, evenings full of social obligations and errant meal times affect the driver’s ability to remain alert and focused while driving. Fatigue reduces the driver’s concentration level and increases his reaction time. It means that extreme caution is required during Ramadan.

Here are some tips and precautions for driving during the holy month of Ramadan

• Plan your daily schedule to sleep well, exercise regularly and eat your meals at a fixed time
• If you feel sleepy before driving, take a nap for 15 minutes
• If you feel sleepy while driving, pull over immediately and take a short nap
• Be more courteous and patient with other road users
• Give yourself plenty of extra time to arrive at your destination
• Always adjust your speed to the road and weather conditions
• Be alert on the road especially before Iftar
• Watch out for other fatigued drivers and their actions
• See and be seen. Before you head out on the road at night, ensure that your headlights, tail lights, and signal lights are clean and working properly. Clean your windows to remove road film and dust that could impair your ability to see clearly.
• Make use of alternative transport options. If you are feeling fatigued, use taxis or Uber or even join a car pool.
• Observe all traffic signs, rules, and regulations. Sudden swerving and lane cutting should not be done. Always remain alert and concentrate on your defensive driving techniques throughout the month of Ramadan and even after.

In addition to the effect of fasting and driving, we should address the effect of summers on driving. With temperatures soaring in the UAE, an increasing number of accidents are being caused by tire blasts on the roads.

Tyre maintenance

• Regular tire check-ups are important to round the year, especially during the summer. As the outside temperature is rising, the air inside your tires will expand, might overinflate, and in a worst-case scenario, lead to tire bursts and blow-outs.
• Check the pressure when the tyres are cold
• Check your tyre tread for any uneven wear pattern. In this case, the tire is more worn on one edge and you should contact a Service Center for the wheel alignment.
• Check your tyres for holes or cuts and inspect the sidewalls for cracking, bruising, and other signs of damage.
• Run your fingers along with the tread and feel for lumps.
• Some of the branded tyres have 1.6 mm high tread wear indicators (TWI) running across the tread, markings on the tyre sidewall indicate the position. The tyre must be replaced at the latest when the tread depth is just before the TWI.
• Drivers should bear in mind that less air in the tyre may cause greater friction with the road, in turn increasing heat in the tyre.

Park in the shade

• It’s ideal to park in the shade – either underground, in a covered car park or under any shaded area and to place your sun-shade. If you can’t find an enclosed space, park in the best direction – where the sunlight will fall on the rear window.

Tint your windows

• Tinting your windows or placing a windshield sunshade will reduce the heat in the car. But ensure that the tint doesn’t exceed the UAE’s legal limit of 30 per cent.

Get your car serviced

• During hot weather, cars need frequent service checks, especially to over-exerted air conditioners and batteries. By changing your oil and double-checking the status of your belt and battery, you can prevent future break-downs/ accidents.

Don’t store pressurized items

• Do not keep items like lighters and perfume bottles in your car during the summer season. They might explode, releasing harmful chemicals into your car.

Always have emergency items

• In case of emergency, it’s important to have your auto service centre’s number ready, and have a first-aid kit, and an emergency car-care kit.

Finalrentals brings you an array of car fleets to choose from in the UAE. Rent a car with us in Ramadan and discover the joy of driving.